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“英”为有你,“语”众不同 | 力迈小学剑桥课程Elementary Cambridge Curriculum

2023-10 16





  北京市朝阳区力迈学校经过教学团队多年的国外教研和探究,终于在2023年初,正式确立开设了力迈剑桥K12课程。力迈剑桥小学课程体系中着重选择了“全球视野”(Global Perspective)这一科目。这门科目作为综合实践类科目培养了学生研究、分析、评估、反思、协作和沟通等技能。它加强了英语作为第一语言或第二语言、数学、科学和ICT学科之间的联系。研究表明,学生越早开始发展和实践这些技能,对他们的学习影响越大。


  After extensive research and investigation by our academic team, Beijing Chaoyang Limai School officially introduced the Limai Cambridge K12 course in early 2023. The curriculum is based on the "Global Perspective" theme and emphasizes the integration between English, mathematics, science, and ICT subjects, whether as a first or second language.Primary school is the opportune time to master the language. English consistently ranks as one of the standout subjects at Beijing Chaoyang Limai School's primary level, and foreign instruction is among Limai School's crowning achievements.



  System characteristics



  Limai Cambridge curriculum implements an integrated approach to language and subject teaching, incorporating the review and practical application of past knowledge to reinforce new learning. For instance, the acquisition of color-related vocabulary in Limai English instruction is not limited to a one-off lesson but rather features across various units to ensure deeper understanding and retention.



  力迈的教学宗旨是:不做知识的切割学习,而是不断在前者的基础上增设更多的运用场景。不仅仅是教孩子学会一门语言,而是掌握学习的方法和步骤。Limai's teaching objective is to continually expand the use cases of existing knowledge, refraining from a reductionist approach. The aim is not solely for children to learn a language but to develop proficiency in learning methods and strategies.

  语 言 学 习 在真实情境中训练语言组织与表达能力,经过6个级别的学习,英语听力、口语可胜任日常学习、生活中的计划、讨论任务(CEFR B1水平)。

  自 然 拼 读 从字母发音到认读拼写,直至重音、语调,全面提升词汇和语音水平。美国斯坦福大学曾经以计算机分析字母与音位的对应关系,结果发现17,008个常用词中 :★ 84%的字母与其读音是完全对应★ 13%的字母与其读音是不完全对应 ★ 3%的字母与其读音的对应关系完全无法预测



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  学 科 知 识 每课程单元结束后,教师会设定主题任务活动进一步强化语言运用能力与学科知识,并培养学生动手能力与创造意识。

  核 心 素 养 力迈剑桥小学课程在教学进程中,会通过定期的剑桥教研会探讨确立后,将结合单元主题与学科知识,通过观察、体验、思考、推理、沟通等任务形式,发展学生的认知、理解、归纳、演绎、分析、判断等批判性思维。

  教 学 形 式 日常教学中会通过故事性读物,经典歌曲颂唱,互动式教学,广泛知识的融合和输出。丰富的教学方案,外教扎实的语言环境,循环式复习单测。

  授 课 方 式 讲座,项目式学习,互动教程,配对或小组学习,实践课程以及其他与当前最佳实践一致的互动活动,以支持学生的学习。

  Language learning: Use real-life situations to train language organization and expression.

  Phonics is an efficient method for improving language skills as it moves from simple letter pronunciation to emphasis and intonation, and comprehensively improves vocabulary and pronunciation. It has the potential to improve students’ ability to read and write words, make them easier to remember, and enhance their overall reading and writing capabilities.

  Subject-specific knowledge: At the end of each unit, the teachers will assign themed tasks to enhance students' language application skills and subject matter expertise, while also fostering their hands-on abilities and creativity.

  Core Literacy: The Limai Cambridge Primary curriculum will integrate subject matter with unit themes through regular discussions with the Cambridge Teaching and Research Council.

  Teaching methods encompass a range of interactive activities consistent with current best practices to support student learning. These include lectures, project-based learning, interactive tutorials, paired or group learning, and hands-on sessions.

  Teaching Methodology: The daily instruction will comprise reading stories, singing classical songs, interactive teaching, integrating knowledge, and presenting extensive information.



  Course advantages







  Cambridge standardized exams align with levels in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), varying by level and subject.

  The comprehensiveness and authority of the Cambridge examination.

  In preparing for the K-level exam, students must commit a significant amount of vocabulary to memory, organize grammatical structures, and practice the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Preparing for an examination requires a complete process of learning.

  Limai Cambridge is effective in developing children's English communication skills.

  The Cambridge curriculum at Limai Primary School provides a clear and reasonable structure for grammar knowledge. The curriculum ensures a balance between ability and examination, with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.



  Teaching characteristic

  能力与成绩同步提升 从过去的单纯语言教学到现在强调全面发展,英语教育已经进入了新的时代,并将更加注重孩子的能力发展,力迈小学剑桥课程的语法知识架构清晰合理,能力和考试并重,听说读写的训练全面均衡。课程内容更加贴近当代的生活,通过循序渐进的学习,帮助孩子们获得新技能、新工具、新能力,培养其生活自信。让孩子充分享受学习英语的快乐,锻炼多方面能力,建立对自己的信心!





  无缝对接剑桥考试,内嵌剑桥备考内容 力迈小学剑桥课程从内容设计到课堂教学,和剑桥官方等级考试契合,让学生能够顺利进入高阶课程的学习,并考取相应的剑桥证书。国际化的教学方法让孩子爱上英语,自然整合的考试内容编排,在减轻备考压力的同时,确保每位学习者在面对国际考试的时候都能充分发挥自己的潜力。学生通过接触考试风格的学习内容能渐渐熟悉剑桥考试,学生用书里的备考内容含蓄,练习册则是比较系统的训练,最终生成的阶段性测试题则包含真实的模拟题。

  注重听说读写的学习内容 “以考促学”这是剑桥考试一贯宗旨——进入小学阶段,小朋友的学习不得不从天赋,语言能力转向应试与实际应用的学习,力迈小学剑桥课程阶段性融入考试测评不仅是最好的学习检验手段,也是最有效的学习手段。



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  丰富的阅读内容 力迈剑桥课程设置了丰富的英文文学阅读内容,在早读和午休等课余时间进行浸入式英文阅读,同时采用了目前先进的分层阅读体系的读物,培养良好的阅读习惯和能力,让孩子随时随地跟读原版故事,让孩子接触到原汁原味的英语。阅读话题广泛,场景贴近生活,大量的词汇输入和完整的语法框架,以及听说读写不同板块技巧的练习,能够很好地衔接和补充孩子校内的英语课程。无论是应对国际测评还是体制内升学考试,这套教材都能满足学习要求。

  践行因材施教 首先是定制化的学习方案。在学生入学后,帮助学生尽快找到兴趣方向所在,并根据目标确定最合适的科目选择,以及竞赛、活动规划。



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  小班化教学,专属责任导师制 保证教与学的同步,学校可以通过这种教学模式,将每一位学生具体的学习能力而非固定的教材进度作为教学的标准。越是个性化的教育,越需要教师将关注落在每一个具体的学生身上,责任导师制在最大程度上保证了学生的独特需求能够得到回应。

  建立多元化评估体系,鼓励学生多元多层次发展 我校剑桥课程的考评体系,不仅重视学科知识的掌握和积累,更重视学生应用知识的能力和创新能力,还注重对学习过程的跟踪考核。我们从考试成绩、活动参与、小组合作、课题完成、作业反馈等多个维度对学生的学习过程和效果进行评价。

  Limai Primary's Cambridge curriculum is designed to seamlessly prepare students for official Cambridge-level examinations, with content that connects smoothly from classroom teaching to exam preparation. This ensures that students can progress easily to advanced courses of study and receive the corresponding Cambridge certificate.

  Focus on the listening, reading and writing components of the learning process: The staged integration of exam assessment in the Limai Primary Cambridge Program is not only the most effective way of evaluating learning but also facilitates learning itself.

  Wide range of reading material: Limai Cambridge Curriculum offers a variety of English literary resources, including morning and lunchtime immersion English reading, to foster strong reading habits and skills. Our advanced hierarchical reading system aims to enable children to read original stories effortlessly and conveniently, facilitating their exposure to authentic English literature.

  Practice personalized teaching: The first aspect concerns a tailored learning program. Upon enrolment, our team will assist students in identifying their academic interests promptly. Furthermore, we will identify the most suitable subjects according to their goals, alongside the scheduling of competitions and activities.

  Teaching in small classes, personalized tutoring: To ensure alignment between teaching and learning, schools can adopt the teaching method of individualizing instruction based on each student's specific learning abilities rather than predetermined material progress. The more personalized the education, the greater the need for teachers to focus on individual students. To this end, the tutorial system should take responsibility for responding to each student's unique needs to the fullest extent possible.

  Implementation of a diversified assessment system to encourage student development at different levels: The Limai Cambridge curriculum evaluation system accords significance not only to acquiring and accumulating proficiency in subject knowledge but also to students' capacity to employ knowledge innovatively. Additionally, attention is given to tracking and assessing students' learning progress. It employs multiple criteria to evaluate students' learning process and outcomes, which include test scores, participation in activities, collaborative work, project completion, and homework feedback.



  Teaching objective



  ✓ Creative Thinking 创新性思维

  ✓ Critical Thinking 批判性思维

  ✓ Learning to Learn 学习能力

  ✓ Communication 沟通能力

  ✓ Collaboration 协作能力

  ✓ Social Responsibilities 社会责任


  ★ 重视并赞扬学生的创造性和创新性贡献。

  ★ 专注于深度和广度。为学生提供了探索、长时间集中注意力、反思、讨论和复习的机会。希望学生对学习内容进行深刻反思,并在学科和主题之间建立联系。

  ★ 有效设置广泛而均衡的课程,以便学生体验各种学科和活动,包括艺术。

  ★ 鼓励学生在课外课程中从事创意活动。

  ★ 制定行为准则和课堂程序,重视和促进创造力。

  ★ 鼓励有智慧地冒险,例如:在课程中尝试一些新事物。

  Valuing and celebrating the creative and innovative contributions made by students

  Focus on deepening and broadening: students have plentiful chances to explore, concentrate for lengthy periods, reflect, discuss, and review. They are encouraged to engage in critical thinking about what they are learning and to make connections between subjects and topics.

  Effectively establish a comprehensive and well-rounded syllabus to ensure pupils gain exposure to a diverse range of subjects and activities, including artistic activities.

  Students are motivated to participate in innovative tasks during extracurricular studies.

  Establish clear codes of conduct and classroom procedures while also placing an emphasis on fostering innovation.

  Encourage students to take intelligent risks and try out new things in the curriculum.
